White Paper

Endpoint Governance:


Governing endpoints (internal APIs, remote APIs, REST APIs, REST endpoints) is not a new problem. If you’re a new company building your first products, you can easily enjoy a clean, well-managed, and secure software environment — But if you’re anything else, you probably know that even the best API Management tools all have a similar underlying limitation: they can’t manage what they don’t know exists.  

From a security standpoint, API endpoints are among the most vulnerable of attack surfaces, and good cybersecurity hygiene demands that organizations maintain a complete and accurate inventory of APIs and other types of endpoints. Recently, the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) proposed amendments to cybersecurity regulations 23 NYCRR § 500 that will require processes around inventorying all assets, which includes API endpoints, according to many security analysts.

Download our White Paper to read what’s at stake around Endpoint Governance, and learn how you can avoid being exposed to vulnerabilities or fined for non-compliance—or worse—having to inventory all your API endpoints manually.

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